Physiological and Psychological Food Choice Determinants: P² Food

Niveau de sortie : Master


Filières liées

Industries agroalimentaires : formation générale


Recherche et développement, études

P²food is a 2-year, course-based, full-time international research Master's Degree focused on the physiological and psychological determinants of food choice, offered by the University of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté and l'Institut Agro Dijon.
Food plays a much bigger role in consumers' lives than simply feeding them. Each day, humans make several food choices. Their diet has considerable impact on their nutritional status and health, but also on the environment. A greater understanding of the reasons for consumers' choice of foods is needed in order to set up effective programs and develop new products, to improve dietary patterns in line with recommendations, and to increase food sustainability.
Although seemingly simple, food choices are complex behaviors that depend on many factors and their interactions. In this Master’s Degree, a key focus is placed on the physiological and psychological factors of food choice.

Organismes proposant cette formation

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Scolaire - universitaire L'Institut Agro Dijon

Dijon (21)



  • Have a Bachelor's degree in biology (cell and molecular biology; cell biology and animal physiology, general biology, neurosciences, etc.).
  • Students from other licenses must have followed specific modules or additional training:
    •  students from psychology, psychosociology: knowledge in food science and cellular neuroscience is required. The training courses taken to acquire this knowledge must be mentioned in the CV,
    • students from dietetic training: knowledge of the functioning of the nervous system is required. The training courses taken to acquire this knowledge must be mentioned in the CV.

Bachelors in food technology, food engineering, hygiene and safety quality, microbiology, and agronomy do not give access to the P2FOOD master.

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Aucun métier n'est disponible pour cette formation.